Electroliquid Aggregation:
Heavy homogeneous frames as indeterminate outlines of spaces.+
Unity and Harmonisation of overlapping geometry.
The use of heavy homogeneous frames unifies the space constructed by overlapping geometric shapes.
18 Sketches
Left: Heavy homogeneous frames as indeterminate outlines of spaces.
Right: Horizontal expansion vs verticality.
Left: Organised forms arranged in a labyrinthian way.
Right: Absence of distinct orientation.
Unity and Harmonisation of overlapping geometry.
Displacement of different forms to create light and shadow.
Horizontal expansion vs verticality + Organised forms arranged in a labyrinthian way
Unity and Harmonisation of overlapping geometry + Heavy homogeneous frames as indeterminate outlines of spaces
Absence of distinct orientation + Displacement of different forms to create light and shadow
36 Textures
The tunnel leading towards the meeting space, defined and outlined by a series of thick frames separated with a mixture of transparent glass and open void. Inspired by Ricardo Porro's use of "heavy homogeneous frames as indeterminate outlines of spaces," this tunnel is equally opaque as it is translucent, thus creating the indeterminate outline.
The platform extrudes off the vertical members of the monument, skewering through the two circular geometries. This component of the structure is symmetrical and polished, embodying Aldo Van Eyck's "unity and harmonisation of overlapping geometry."
Standing near the middle of the platform, the circular outline and glass pane overlaps and creates a frame around the distant landscape. This demonstrates the combination of heavy frames and overlapping geometries in promoting the significance and beauty of space.
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